November 2022
30 November 2022 - 17:46
Animation improvements for weapons
Fixed an issue allowing Players to briefly use Weapons after being downed if the Gas Mask animation was still active.
Fixed an issue where the Ice Drake’s Barrel was obstructing the Player’s sight when ADSing with an Axial Arms 3x Optic.
Fixed an issue with Rebirth Crates appearing open when they should be closed.
Fixed an issue with older Graphics Cards displaying shadows incorrectly.
Fixed an issue preventing Players from saving custom mods on the Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW).
Fixed an issue preventing Players from saving custom mods on the Shotgun Bravo (BOCW).
Fixed an issue causing melee attacks to one-shot other Players if simultaneously equipping Armor Plates.
Fixed several issues that resulted in Players crashing due to Dev Error 5573.
Fixed an issue with the Xbox One S that would prevent Players from joining matches in Verdansk Playlists.
Fixed an issue where the PS5 120hz mode couldn’t be activated while HDR was enabled.
Fixed an issue where the Player’s camera would be tilted when exiting a vehicle.
Fixed an issue where the camera would get stuck in the terrain at the end of a match.
Fixed an issue where spawn points would disappear on uneven terrain.
Fixed an issue where Players could hear the entire Team rather than only their direct squad.
Fixed an issue where out-of-bounds zones would not be the correct size.
Fixed an issue where only the rear truck would be pushed backwards by the enemy team.
Fixed an issue with Two Factor Authentication that required a client restart if a Player activated it while ingame.
Fixed an issue with the OTs 9 (BOCW) where the unlock criteria inconsistently tracked when using any BOCW SMG Blueprint.
Fixed an issue where Players downed while holding the Sentry Turret would have no Weapon in hand when revived.
Fixed an issue where the Power Surge Reactive Bundle image did not reflect the included Bundle items.
Fixed an issue where Players would take some Loadout Perks from the prematch lobby into matches.
Fixed an issue where the Random Operator option would move to the wrong position.
Fixed an issue where Players could favorite the Random Operator choice but could not unfavorite it.
Fixed an issue where Killstreak tablet rewards were stacking on top of one another.
Fixed an issue causing the Stopping Power Field Upgrade to reduce recoil while using the Milano 821 (BOCW).
Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
Om Mig: